Python Code Snippets and Solutions to Problems

A collection of code snippets and answers to questions in python programming language.

  1. Equality (==) Operator vs is Keyword in Python: What is the Difference
  2. What is Name Mangling in Python and How Does it Work With Detailed Examples
  3. How to Fix TypeError: Cannot create a consistent method resolution order (MRO)
  4. Many Ways the Single (_) and Double (__) Underscore in Python is Used
  5. What is an assert Statement in Python: How and When to Use it?
  6. Difference Between Class Methods, Static Methods, and Instance Methods in Python
  7. How to Use the print() Function in Python With Additional Arguments
  8. Arguments vs Parameters: What’s the Difference?
  9. kwargs vs args: What do *args and **kwargs mean in Python?
  10. What are the Asterisks or Star Symbols '*' and '**' in Python?
  11. How to Unit Test Terminal (Bash) Inputs in Python
  12. How to Use List Comprehensions in Python
  13. How to Check the Datatype of a Variable in Python
  14. How to Check if the Value of a variable is a Tuple in Python
  15. How to Check if the Value of a variable is a list in Python
  16. How to Check if the Value of a variable is a dict in Python
  17. How to Check if the Value of a variable is a Set in Python
  18. How to Check if the Value of a variable is a Float in Python
  19. How to Check if the Value of a variable is a String in Python
  20. How to Check if the Value of a variable is an Integer in Python
  21. What Are Lambda Functions in Python and How to Use them
  22. Everything to Know About Cohesion and Coupling with Examples
  23. What is the Difference Between Encapsulation and Information Hiding in OOP?
  24. Build a Text Paraphraser Using Python with Pegasus Transformer for NLP
  25. How to Install Multiple Specific Versions of Python on MacOSX
  26. How to Add Text to an Image Using Python

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