What is an assert Statement in Python: How and When to Use it?

Learn about assertion statements in Python, when and how you can use them in your codes, and the best practices to follow when using assert statements in Python.

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The text What is an assert Statement in Python: How and When to Use it? written on a blank white image

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In programming, assertions are statements that proclaim a fact or logic that should most likely return true in your program.

They are boolean expressions that check if the conditions return true and do something when it is not true.

For example, when writing a function to handle a division, you are most likely to not allow the divisor to be zero. Therefore, you assert divisor is not equal to zero.

In most cases, it is used as a debugging tool, since it halts the program as soon as an error occurs and displays it.

In this article, you will learn about assertion statements in Python, when and how you can use them in your codes, and the best practices to follow when using assert statements in Python.

What is Python assert Statement?

The assert statement in Python is a built-in statement that expresses an assertion condition in the program such that a condition or expression is always meant to be true.

The assert statements are a convenient way to insert debugging assertions into a program

If the condition is true, nothing happens, and it simply continues to execute the rest of the program.

If the condition is false, the assert statement in Python stops the program execution at that point and gives an AssertionError.

The assert statement takes an expression and optional message.

Note: assert in Python is a statement and not a function.

Syntax for using Assert in Python:

Here's the syntax for using assert in Python language:

assert <condition>

assert <condition>,<error message>
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The assert statement has two forms.

The simple form, assert <expression>, is equivalent to

if __​debug__:
    if not <expression>: raise AssertionError

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The extended form, assert <expression1>, <expression2>, is equivalent to

if __​debug__:
    if not <expression1>: raise AssertionError(<expression2>)
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When you do

assert condition

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you're telling the program to test that condition, and immediately trigger an error if the condition is false.

In Python, it's roughly equivalent to this:

if not condition:
    raise AssertionError()

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The first syntax asserts the condition and returns the default error message when it fails to be true, while the second syntax asserts the condition and returns the custom error message when it fails.

Watch out for the parentheses when using assert in Python!

In Python 3, assert is still a statement, so you should not use assert as you do with a function.

For instance,

This is wrong:

assert(1 + 1 == 2, "Correct")

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This is correct:

assert 1 + 1 == 2, "Correct"

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When to Use assert Statement in Python

In Python, we can use an assert statement at different times, but here are the most common use cases.

  1. Use the assert statement to check data types of values, values of the argument, and the output of the function or logic.
  2. Use the assert statement when you have a condition that is a tautology, i.e. it should always return true and if the condition is not satisfied, the program will stop and give an AssertionError.
  3. Use the assert statement to detect problems early in your program, where the cause is clear, rather than later when some other operation fails. A type error in Python, for example, can go through several layers of code before actually raising an Exception if not caught early on.
  4. Use the assert statement as documentation for other developers reading the code, who see the assert and can confidently say that its condition holds from now on.

How to Use assert Statement in Python

Let's look at some examples of how to use an assert statement in Python.

How to Use an assert Statement to Check the Data Type of Value

def mandatory_dict(value):
    assert isinstance(value, dict)
    return True

grade_scale = {"Pass": "75-100", "Fail": "0-74"}
# print(mandatory_dict(grade_scale))

highest_grade = 100	
# print(mandatory_dict(highest_grade))
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In the above program, we created a function called mandatory_dict() that takes a single value as an argument.

To test, we called the function with a variable that holds a dictionary. The assert statement passes and the function returns True.

Next, we called the function with another variable that holds an integer. The assert statement fails and gives an AssertionError

How to Use an assert Statement With a Custom Error Message

def mandatory_dict(value):
    assert isinstance(value, dict), "Value is not a dict"
    return value

grade_scale = {"Pass": "75-100", "Fail": "0-74"}
# print(mandatory_dict(grade_scale))
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In the above program, when we call the function with another variable that holds an integer.

The assert statement fails and gives the error AssertionError: Value is not a dict.

What are the Best Practices for Using assert in Python?

There are some caveats to see before using an assert statement in Python.

The aim to use assert is on occasions when the program verifies a condition and returns a value that should stop the program immediately, instead of taking some alternative way to bypass the error.

Here are best practices on how to correctly use assert in Python:

1. Using Parentheses

As you may have noticed, the assert statement optionally uses two conditions.

Hence, do not use parentheses to enclose the two conditions as one, for obvious advice.

If you do this:

assert (condition, message)
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>>> assert (1==2, 1==1)
<stdin>:1: SyntaxWarning: assertion is always true, perhaps remove parentheses?

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You will be running the assert with a (condition, message) which represents a tuple as the first parameter, and this happens because a non-empty tuple in Python is always True.

However, you can do it separately without problem:

assert (condition), ("message")

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>>> assert (1==2), ("This condition returns a %s value.") % "False"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AssertionError: This condition returns a False value.

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2. Debug purpose

If you are wondering when to use the assert statement. Take an example used in real life:

  • When your program tends to control each parameter entered by the user or whatever else:
def loremipsum(**kwargs):
    kwargs.pop('bar') # return 0 if "bar" isn't in parameter
    kwargs.setdefault('foo', type(self)) # returns `type(self)` value by default
    assert (len(kwargs) == 0), "unrecognized parameter passed in %s" % ', '.join(kwargs.keys())
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  • Another case is in math when 0 or non-positive as a coefficient or constant on a certain equation:
def discount(item, percent):
    price = int(item['price'] * (1.0 - percent))
    assert (0 <= price <= item['price']),\
            "Discounted prices cannot be lower than 0 "\
            "and they cannot be higher than the original price."

    return price

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  • or even a simple example of a boolean implementation:
def true(a, b):
    assert (a == b), "False"
    return 1

def false(a, b):
    assert (a != b), "True"
    return 0

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3. Data processing or data validation

Do not rely on the assert statement to execute data processing or data validation because this statement can be turned off on the Python initialization with -O or -OO flag – meaning value 1, 2, and 0 (as default), respectively – or PYTHONOPTIMIZE environment variable.

Value 1:

  • asserts are disabled;

  • bytecode files are generated using .pyo extension instead of .pyc;

  • sys.flags.optimize is set to 1 (True);

  • and, __debug__ is set to False;

Value 2: disables one more stuff

  • docstrings are disabled;

Therefore, using the assert statement to validate a sort of expected data is extremely dangerous, implying even to some security issues.

Then, if you need to validate some permission, I recommend you raise AuthError instead. As a precondition, an assert is commonly used by programmers on libraries or modules that do not have direct user interaction.

Here is a nice example to tie it all together.

Let's assume you want to have a special number class in your code that represents positive integers called PositiveInt.

Why would you want that?

You have many functions that use positive integers as parameters. By using PositiveInt in your code, you don't have to check again and again in every function whether the input is valid.

It is guaranteed by PositiveInt. A crude implementation looks like this

class PositiveInt(int):
    # int is immutable, so we have to override new and not init
    def __new__(cls, value):
        if value <= 0:
            raise ValueError(f"{value} is not positive")
        assert value > 0, "value must be positive"
        return super(PositiveInt, cls).__new__(cls, value)  
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Wrap Off

Assertions in Python are the condition or boolean expressions that are always supposed to be true in the code.

The assert in Python statement takes an expression and optional message.

The assert statement is used to check types, values of argument, and the output of the function.

The assert statement can also be used as a debugging tool, as it halts the program at the point where an error occurs.

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