How to Use the print() Function in Python With Additional Arguments

Learn about the python various additional arguments of the Python `print()` function and how to use them.

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How to Use the print() Function in Python With Additional Arguments on a white background image

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Most python developers are familiar with the print() function in Python.

print("Hello World")
Highlighted code sample.

But many do not know that it can also take optional keyword-only arguments.

In this post, you will learn about the python various additional arguments of the Python print() function and how to use them.

How to Use the print() Function in Python

Firstly, here's the format for the python print() function.

print(objects, sep=' ', end='n', file=sys.stdout, flush=False)
Highlighted code sample.

The first parameter, which is the objects is the most commonly used.

It accepts the correct value of any data type and outputs it.

print("Hello World")
Highlighted code sample.

You can also print other data types such as lists, dictionaries, sets, tuples, objects, classes, etc.

print(["Hello World"])
  print({"score": 1.9})
Highlighted code sample.

And you can have multiple types get printed at once using a comma-separator or concatenation of all types as strings.

print(“Hello World”, 111, False, 1.900)
print(f"Hello World, {111}, {False}, {1.900}")

What are the Additional Arguments of Python print() Function

Now, we have seen the objects. Let's have a look at the other arguments of the print() function in Python.

The additional arguments of the python print() function are:

1. The sep argument in the Python print() function

The sep argument in the Python print() function is used to define the separator between all objects.

By default, it is a space, but we can change it:

print("Hello",  "Python",  "Master")
  # Hello Python Master
  print("Hello",  "Python",  "Master",  sep="-")
  # Hello-Python-Master
Highlighted code sample.

2. The end argument in the Python print() function

The end in the Python print() function defines the character in the end.

By default, the character at the end of every printed object is a new-line character.

For example, we can omit a new line with this:

  # Hello
  # World
  print("Hello",  end="")
  # HelloWorld
Highlighted code sample.

3. The file argument in the Python print() function

The file in the Python print() function defines where the output should be displayed.

The file argument must be an object with a write(string) method; if it is not present or None, sys.stdout will be used.

f = open("test.txt", "a")
  print("Test file content.", file=f)
Highlighted code sample.

This creates a file test.txt containing the text “Test file content”.

Since printed arguments are converted to text strings, print() cannot be used with binary mode file objects.

For these, use file.write(...) instead.

4. The flush argument in the Python print() function

The flush in the Python print() function defines whether the output should be flushed or not.

The default is False.

  print("Test file content.", flush=True)
Highlighted code sample.

Whether the output is buffered is usually determined by file, but if the flush keyword argument is true, the stream is forcibly flushed.

Wrap Off

There you have it!

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