Project Details
- Position:Frontend Engineer
- Duration: Days.
- Difficulty:Medium
A quick way to monitor the prices and news of cryptocurrencies without dealing with the complex UI of the current exchange. It should also have In-depth Data about all cryptocurrencies, In-depth Data about crypto markets, Latest data about crypto exchanges, Cryptocurrency news, React best practices, Using Redux tool Kit to fetch APIs the right way, Utilize the enterprise design feeling of Ant Design, Charts using chart.JS, Fetch Data from different API source, Get specific details and history on each coin, Search functionality for each coin, Ability to filter news base on coin name.
Role Played
I used a free version of the coinbase API for cryptocurrency from Rapid API to create a simple UI on crypto prices, exchanges, rates, news and more.
Tools & Technologies
React, Redux ToolKit for state management, Jest for testing, Rapid API for getting live coin amounts, Bing News API for gettings various real-time crypto news, ANT Design, ANT Design Icons, Axios for interacting with the APIs, Chart.Js for creating charts, react-chartjs-2 for rendering the charts from charts.js, Millify to convert extremely large numbers into readable strings, html-react-parser to parse HTML data, moment to parse time and dates, react-router-dom
Using Ant Design for the first time proved a bit tasking due to the difference in UI vocabularies from Material UI, Tailwind and Reactstrap.