How to Setup a Simple HTTP Server or Local Web server Using Node.js

Learn how to quickly set up a web server on your computer using Node.js and the http-server

Picture of Nsikak Imoh, author of Macsika Blog
An abstract background with the text How to Setup a Simple HTTP Server or Local Web server Using Node.js
An abstract background with the text How to Setup a Simple HTTP Server or Local Web server Using Node.js

Table of Content

This post is a quick guide on how to set up a simple HTTP web server on your local machine using Node.js.

The web server we create we run on the http-server NPM package.

The http-server package is a simple and easy-configuration HTTP server that makes it easy to serve static files to the browser.

You can run it from the command line without creating a server.js file.

In this post, you will learn how to quickly set up a web server on your computer using Node.js and the http-server package.

How to Set up a Node.js HTTP Server or Local Web Server Using http-server NPM Package

Here are the steps you will take to set up a Node.js HTTP Server on a local development environment:

  • Download and Install Node.js
  • Install the http-server package from npm
  • Start a web server from a directory containing static website files
  • Access the web pages served by the web server with a browser

Download and Install Node.js

If you do not already have Node.js installed on your computer, download the latest stable release of Node.js from

Select only the default options when installing.

Install the http-server package from npm

Install the http-server NPM package globally on your machine using the Node Package Manager (NPM) command line tool.

When you install the http-server package globally, you will be able to easily spin up a web server from anywhere on your computer.

To install the http-server package using npm, open a terminal or command line window and enter the following:

npm install -g http-server
Highlighted code sample.

Start the Node.js web server

Using the terminal or command line, navigate to a directory containing your static web files such as HTML, JavaScript, CSS, etc.

For example:

cd /projects/ecommerce-raw-files
Highlighted code sample.

Run the command below to start the server:

Highlighted code sample.

You should get a similar output like below:

Starting up http-server, serving ./
Available on:
Hit CTRL-C to stop the server
Highlighted code sample.

Access the web pages served by the web server with a browser

Open a browser tab and visit the address http://localhost:8080.

You should see your local website running.

Wrap Off

This is a short guide on how to quickly set up a web server on your computer using Node.js and http-server package.

Although most people are used to creating a server.js file, this process is simpler and comes in handy when you want to quickly set up a web server for testing or demonstration.

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Next Tutorial — How to Resolve the Module not found: Can’t resolve 'fs' error in Next.js and WebPack

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