How to fix the error `Unable to import django.db` When Using Django

How to fix the error `Unable to import django.db` When Using Django

Picture of Nsikak Imoh, author of Macsika Blog
A plain background showing How to fix the error `Unable to import django.db` When Using Django
A plain background showing How to fix the error `Unable to import django.db` When Using Django

This post is part of the tutorial series titled Learn to Use Django with FastAPI Frameworks

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When working on a Django app in an editor or IDE such as VS Code, you might run into the issue Unable to import django.db.

Why do you get the Unable to import django.db Error?

This error happens when the code editor you're working with underlines the from keyword in an import, and if you hover it with the mouse, you will see the error Unable to import 'django.db' pylint(import-error) showing up.

This error occurs because your Django project is not running in the Virtual Environment of the app.

To fix it, on the VSCode editor, run cmd-shift-p (or click View -> Command Palette and run the command Python: Select Interpreter. VS Code will show you a list of Python interpreters found.

Choose the interpreter that corresponds to your virtual environment and the error will disappear.

Wrap Off

There you have it!

That's how to fix the error Unable to import django.db in Django.

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